In higher education in Germany One of the first responsive Websites

Technical University of Munich

TUM is one of the best universities in Europe. Excellence in research and teaching, interdisciplinarity and talent promotion are its hallmarks. In addition, it has strong alliances with companies and scientific institutions around the world. TUM is one of the top three universities of excellence in Germany. In international and national rankings it regularly achieves excellent results. In 2019, for example, it was awarded the title of "Excellence University" for the third time in a row.

Based on TYPO3

The new website has now also gone online, fittingly for a university of excellence. The TU relies on the Enterprise Content Management System TYPO3 for a variety of different websites.

In2code GmbH supports the Technical University of Munich in the conception, design and implementation of the entire TYPO3 project - and has done so for many years. Right from the start, the German university used a modern layout and modern technology for the website so it can also be seen in an international comparison.

Study courses in the studyfinder

In order to facilitate the study search for prospective students, the TYPO3 studyfinder was already integrated on the start page as a possible entry point. With more than 150 study courses and 70 start-ups every year, a prominent and structured search is indispensable.

In order to make it as easy as possible for future applicants, the detailed pages of the study programmes are delivered with important information such as contact details, frequently asked questions and answers and application and admission details.

Unsere services



A good analysis is the basis for a successful project. In close consultation with the customer and his project team we create a well thought-out concept. The time invested in this basic framework could not be better used.


We create an individual design adapted to the customer project and its requirements. Already at an early stage the client receives a prototype with which he can "play" on his computer, tablet or smartphone.


The ideas and findings from the previous project phases are implemented in the development. All our techniques and guidelines have only one goal: to increase quality and scalability for a sustainable project.


So that you can concentrate fully on your project, we offer you a comprehensive range of infrastructure services. No matter whether at your site or at our data center.


Distribute a specific software version to one or more servers at the push of a button. With a well thought-out deployment optimized for the respective project, we enable those responsible for the project to do this. As a perfect partner for zero downtime deployments and automated tests, breakdowns are a thing of the past.


Often the requirements for web presences change on a daily or weekly basis. We are happy to assist you with specially tailored support. With a support agreement we guarantee a personal contact person who knows the project and advises the client, as well as fast response times. is


In addition to a stronger internationalization, the structure now focuses on the actual content of the website. Content is to be presented optimally for the actual target groups. Young visitors in particular will be consciously addressed.

On the start page there are a number of new elements that are intended to emotionally enhance and visually highlight the handling of the website.

In order to make the website lively, social media and videos with brand new content are also increasingly integrated.

Sandra Pohl

College or university projects in the TYPO3 area?

Do you have questions about this or other college or university projects in the TYPO3 area?

Our Professional Scrum-Master and Product-Owner Sandra Pohl will be happy to help you.

Sandra Pohl  |  Product Owner & Project Manager