Frontenduser Registrierung mit femanager

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femanager für TYPO3

Die TYPO3 Erweiterung femanager bietet eine umfangreiche Frontend User Registrierung inklusive Managementfunktionen. Sie basiert auf einer modernen TYPO3-Version sowie auf Extbase und Fluid und bietet eine Vielzahl an Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten.

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Alle Details zum Entwicklungsstand der Extension für TYPO3 12 findet ihr auf unserer EAP-Seite.

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Neueste Versionen

Version Comment Date Link
8.1.0 New Features for TYPO3 12 [FEATURE] Add confirmation form to delete profile during registration - thx to Stefan Busemann (in2code) [FEATURE] Add BeforeMailBodyRenderEvent - thx to Michael Bakonyi [FEATURE] Include bootstrap directly from repository instead of - thx to Felix Ranesberger (in2code) [FEATURE] Allow multiple CC recipients With this change more than one CC recipient for emails can be configured - thx to Marco Huber [BUGFIX] Fix a typo in the labels - thx to Oliver Klee [BUGFIX] Open the "terms & conditions" page in a new tab - thx to Oliver Klee [BUGFIX] errorClass attribute not working - thx to Stig Nørgaard Færch [BUGFIX] Use mixed return type for ServersideValidator::getValu - thx to Andreas Nedbal (in2code) [BUGFIX] Replace incorrect response in AdminConfirmation - thx Thomas Anders [BUGFIX] Restore email notification to admin after registration - thx Patrick Lenk [DOC] Update documenation - thx to Daniel Hoffman (in2code) 9. Mai 2024
7.3.0 Adds three new features. Please take a look in the change log [FEATURE] Add confirmation form to delete profile during registration - thx to Stefan Busemann (in2code) [FEATURE] Add BeforeMailBodyRenderEvent - thx to Michael Bakonyi [FEATURE] Include bootstrap directly from repository instead of - thx to Felix Ranesberger (in2code) [BUGFIX] Fix a typo in the labels - thx to Oliver Klee [BUGFIX] Open the "terms & conditions" page in a new tab - thx to Oliver Klee [BUGFIX] errorClass attribute not working - thx to Stig Nørgaard Færch [DOC] Update documenation - thx to Daniel Hoffman (in2code) 8. Mai 2024
6.4.0 New Feature: Prevent deletion of profiles by virus scanners in confirmation mails 8. Mai 2024
8.0.1 Major Release - adds support for TYPO3 12 Take care to use the update wizzard, which migrates the plugins. many thanks to our supporters in our Early Access Program 19. Dezember 2023
7.2.3 Security Update - please update as soon as possible. [SECURITY] This update is needed for version for 7.0.0 to 7.2.2 older versions are not affected [BUGFIX] Dont use initialize actions for granting access - thx to Daniel Hofmann (in2code) 13. Dezember 2023
7.2.2 Security Update - please update as soon as possible. [SECURITY] This update is needed for version from 7.0.0 to 7.2.1 - older versions are not affected [BUGFIX] Add missing permission check for invitation controlling - thx to Daniel Hofmann (in2code) 4. Oktober 2023

PHP Package: in2code/femanager, TYPO3 extension key: femanager,
Number of releases: 67, Latest update: 9. Mai 2024,

Modern TYPO3 Frontend User Registration.   TYPO3 extension repository

Stefan Busemann

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Stefan Busemann  |  Geschäftsführung & Kundenbetreuung