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[TYPO3] SVG-Dateien in Fluid inline rendern

[TYPO3] SVG-Dateien in Fluid inline rendern

Hinweis: Beitrag zuletzt aktualisiert am 9. März 2023

Über einen einfachen ViewHelper könnt ihr SVG künftig besser rendern. Das erspart dem Server vielleicht eine Vielzahl von unnötigen Requests, wenn ihr viele dieser Icons benutzt.

Before: <img src="/_assets/a92153751098915699a1afa17e77f864/Logo.svg" width="200" height="100" title="Logo" id="logo"/> After: <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 487.56 340.16" id="logo" width="200" height="100" title="Logo"> <g class="cls-1"> ... </g> </svg>

Die Einbindung in Fluid könnte dann z.B. so aussehen:

<in2template:resource.svgInline src="EXT:in2template/Resources/Public/Logo-small.svg" width="200"/> or with sys_file or sys_file_reference object: <in2template:resource.svgInline image="{image}" width="200"/> or with all attributes: <in2template:resource.svgInline src="EXT:in2template/Resources/Public/Logo-small.svg" width="200" height="100" id="logo" title="Logo" class="className" viewBox="0 0 100 100" data="{foo:'bar'}" additionalAttributes="{onclick:'anything()'}"/>

Der ViewHelper hierzu könnte so in eurem Sitepackage liegen (bei uns EXT:in2template/Classes/ViewHelpers/Resource/SvgInlineViewHelper.php):

<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace In2code\In2template\ViewHelpers\Resource; use Closure; use DOMDocument; use In2code\In2template\Exception\FileException; use SimpleXMLElement; use Throwable; use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\File; use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference; use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Service\ImageService; use TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContextInterface; use TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractViewHelper; /** * Class SvgInlineViewHelper * * can be used to render a SVG image inline: * - <in2template:resource.svgInline src="EXT:in2template/Resources/Public/Logo-small.svg" width="200"/> * - <in2template:resource.svgInline image="{image}" width="200"/> * - <in2template:resource.svgInline src="EXT:in2template/Resources/Public/Logo-small.svg" width="200" height="100" id="logo" title="Logo" class="className" viewBox="0 0 100 100" data="{foo:'bar'}" additionalAttributes="{onclick:'anything()'}"/> */ class SvgInlineViewHelper extends AbstractViewHelper { protected $escapeOutput = false; public function initializeArguments(): void { parent::initializeArguments(); $this->registerArgument('src', 'string', 'e.g. EXT:in2template/Resources/Public/Images/any.svg', false, ''); $this->registerArgument('image', 'object', 'a FAL object (File or FileReference)'); $this->registerArgument('treatIdAsReference', 'bool', 'given src argument is a sys_file_reference record', false, false); $this->registerArgument('id', 'string', 'Id to set in the svg'); $this->registerArgument('class', 'string', 'Css class(es) for the svg'); $this->registerArgument('width', 'string', 'Width of the svg.'); $this->registerArgument('height', 'string', 'Height of the svg.'); $this->registerArgument('viewBox', 'string', 'Specifies the view box for the svg'); $this->registerArgument('data', 'array', 'Array of data-attributes'); $this->registerArgument('additionalAttributes', 'array', 'any attributes', false, []); } /** * @param array $arguments * @param Closure $renderChildrenClosure * @param RenderingContextInterface $renderingContext * @return string * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD) * @throws FileException */ public static function renderStatic( array $arguments, Closure $renderChildrenClosure, RenderingContextInterface $renderingContext ): string { $image = self::getImage($arguments); $svgContent = $image->getContents(); if ($svgContent === '') { throw new FileException('The svg file must not be empty.', 1678366388); } $attributes = [ 'id' => $arguments['id'], 'class' => $arguments['class'], 'width' => $arguments['width'], 'height' => $arguments['height'], 'viewBox' => $arguments['viewBox'], 'data' => $arguments['data'], ] + $arguments['additionalAttributes']; return self::getInlineSvg($svgContent, $attributes); } /** * @param array $arguments * @return File|FileReference * @throws FileException */ protected static function getImage(array $arguments): File|FileReference { if ($arguments['src'] === '' && $arguments['image'] === null) { throw new FileException('You must either specify a string src or a File object.', 1678366368); } try { $imageService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ImageService::class); $image = $imageService->getImage( $arguments['src'], $arguments['image'], (bool)$arguments['treatIdAsReference'] ); } catch (Throwable $exception) { throw new FileException('Could not convert given arguments to image object', 1678367678); } if ($image->getExtension() !== 'svg') { throw new FileException('You must provide a svg file.', 1678366371); } return $image; } protected static function getInlineSvg(string $svgContent, array $attributes = []): string { $svgElement = simplexml_load_string($svgContent); if ($svgElement instanceof SimpleXMLElement === false) { return ''; } $domXml = dom_import_simplexml($svgElement); if ($domXml->ownerDocument instanceof DOMDocument === false) { return ''; } foreach (self::updateAttributes($attributes) as $attributeKey => $attributeValue) { if ($attributeValue !== null) { $domXml->setAttribute($attributeKey, htmlspecialchars((string)$attributeValue)); } } return (string)$domXml->ownerDocument->saveXML($domXml->ownerDocument->documentElement); } protected static function updateAttributes(array $attributes): array { if ($attributes['id'] !== null) { $attributes['id'] = htmlspecialchars(trim((string)$attributes['id'])); } if (is_array($attributes['data'])) { foreach ($attributes['data'] as $attributeDataKey => $attributeDataValue) { $attributes['data-' . (string)$attributeDataKey] = htmlspecialchars((string)$attributeDataValue); } unset($attributes['data']); } return $attributes; } }

Wie immer setzt dieses Beispiel voraus, dass ihr ein Sitepackage benutzt. Die leere Datei FileException habe ich nicht mit angefügt. Natürlich fehlt auch noch die Namespace-Deklaration in Fluid, die es für alle ViewHelper braucht.

Inspiriert durch von Marcus Schwemer.


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