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Integrating extensions in TYPO3 via Composer and Github

Integrating extensions in TYPO3 via Composer and Github

From time to time it happens that you want or need to integrate private TYPO3 extensions into a project. Reasons can be that the extension is chargeable or that you want to use your own extensions in several projects. As always, there are several ways to solve the task. It should also be noted that TYPO3 itself can be set up in two ways - classic or Composer based.

Composer based installation

The most convenient solution is to have a private Packagist access. For our Early Access programme we offer this service as part of the full sponsorship (it is not included in the Freelancer programme). 

Private Packagist

Packagist serves as the official point of contact for Composer commands and can be easily set up. There are two steps to the process: 
You need to add the custom repository to composer.json and set up "authenticate" to access your packages. The example below shows the configuration for in2code's early access programme.

1. Add the custom repository to composer.json:

composer config repositories.private-packagist composer <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"></a>

2. Store the authentication in your global composer auth.json with the following command:Store the authentication in your global composer auth.json with the following command:

composer config --global --auth http-basic.in2code.repo. token XXXXXXXyourToken>XXXX

Integration via Github repository

An alternative is to use a local repository or to integrate the Github repository. To do this, add an entry "respositories" to the composer.json of the project.

Example: Github Femanager Early Access Repository:

"repositories": [  {    "type": "vcs",    "url": ""  } ],

In this way, the Github repository is also queried when you then require the appropriate extension via Composer (in this example the TYPO3 extension femanager).

Another alternative is to use a local Git repository. Here you check out the extension yourself in a directory and integrate it via Composer.


"repositories": [  {    "type": "path",    "url": "/packages/*"  } ],

If we stick to the example of the extension "femanager", it has to be cloned into the directory below /packages/. Afterwards, the extension can be installed with "composer require".

Classic TYPO3 installation

In the classic installation, the source code of the extensions is located below typo3conf/ext/. 

There are two similar approaches: Export the Github repository to the appropriate directory below typo3conf/ext/. Here, for example, the git export command can be used to fetch the repository without the metadata (inside .git).

The alternative is the Git checkout directly into the typo3conf/ext/ directory. Please note that this also includes the metadata under (.git).

Stefan Busemann

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