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Pass hidden objects to Extbase actions

Pass hidden objects to Extbase actions

In the following example in the Extbase controller, it should be possible to edit and save objects of the type event. The problem with this is that these objects are hidden in this example (the field hidden is defined by TCA - the value is then 1).

Pass an Integer Value to the action

Some of you are probably familiar with this workaround. Instead of an object, you can also transfer an integer and then convert this manually into an object using a separate repository function.

<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace UniKn\UknCalendarize\Controller; use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController; use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Exception\NoSuchArgumentException; use UniKn\UknCalendarize\Domain\Model\Event; use UniKn\UknCalendarize\Property\TypeConverters\HiddenEventConverter; /** * Class FrontendController */ class FrontendController extends ActionController { ... /** * @param int $event * @return void */ public function editAction(int $event): void { $event = $this->eventRepository->findHiddenByUid($event); $this->view->assignMultiple([ 'event' => $event ]); } /** * @param int $event * @return void */ public function updateAction(int $event): void { $event = $this->eventRepository->findHiddenByUid($event); // Do something } }

The repository for this could look something like this:

<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace UniKn\UknCalendarize\Domain\Repository; use HDNET\Calendarize\Domain\Repository\AbstractRepository; use UniKn\UknCalendarize\Domain\Model\Event; /** * Class EventRepository */ class EventRepository extends AbstractRepository { /** * @param int $uid * @return Event|null */ public function findHiddenByUid(int $uid): ?Event { $query = $this->createQuery(); $query->getQuerySettings()->setIgnoreEnableFields(true); $query->matching( $query->logicalAnd( [ $query->equals('uid', $uid), $query->equals('hidden', true), $query->equals('deleted', false), ] ) ); /** @var Event $event */ $event = $query->execute()->getFirst(); return $event; } }
Solution with own TypeConverter

You can also transfer hidden objects to an action using your own TypeConverter. The whole thing is more elegant then - example controller:

<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace UniKn\UknCalendarize\Controller; use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController; use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Exception\NoSuchArgumentException; use UniKn\UknCalendarize\Domain\Model\Event; use UniKn\UknCalendarize\Property\TypeConverters\HiddenEventConverter; /** * Class FrontendController */ class FrontendController extends ActionController { ... /** * @return void * @throws NoSuchArgumentException */ public function initializeEditAction(): void { $this->arguments->getArgument('event')->getPropertyMappingConfiguration()->setTypeConverter( $this->objectManager->get(HiddenEventConverter::class) ); } /** * @param Event $event * @return void */ public function editAction(Event $event): void { $this->view->assignMultiple([ 'event' => $event ]); } /** * @return void * @throws NoSuchArgumentException */ public function initializeUpdateAction(): void { $this->arguments->getArgument('event')->getPropertyMappingConfiguration()->setTypeConverter( $this->objectManager->get(HiddenEventConverter::class) ); } /** * @param Event $event * @param array $uploads * @param array $links * @param bool $confirmation * @return void */ public function updateAction(Event $event): void { // Do something } }

Der TypeConverter:

<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace UniKn\UknCalendarize\Property\TypeConverters; use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Property\Exception\InvalidSourceException; use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Property\Exception\TargetNotFoundException; use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Property\TypeConverter\PersistentObjectConverter; use UniKn\UknCalendarize\Domain\Model\Event; /** * Class HiddenEventConverter */ class HiddenEventConverter extends PersistentObjectConverter { /** * @var string */ protected $targetType = Event::class; /** * @var int */ protected $priority = 2; /** * @param mixed $identity * @param string $targetType * @throws TargetNotFoundException * @throws InvalidSourceException * @return Event */ protected function fetchObjectFromPersistence($identity, string $targetType): object { if (ctype_digit((string)$identity)) { $query = $this->persistenceManager->createQueryForType($targetType); $query->getQuerySettings()->setIgnoreEnableFields(true); $object = $query->matching($query->equals('uid', $identity))->execute()->getFirst(); } else { throw new InvalidSourceException( 'The identity property "' . $identity . '" is no UID.', 1641904861 ); } if ($object === null) { throw new TargetNotFoundException( sprintf('Object of type %s with identity "%s" not found.', $targetType, print_r($identity, true)), 1641904896 ); } return $object; } }

The original idea for this comes from Helmut in his Gist.


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