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Hide backend modules in TYPO3

Hide backend modules in TYPO3

I there an extension that you use, that comes with one or more backend modules that you don't need at all? Here we show you how you can hide these modules globally.

1. Via User TSConfig

Just got a smal hint from Julian via Twitter. You can easily disable the modules via User TSConfig:

options { # for TYPO3 <= 11 hideModules.nitsan = NsGalleryNsgallery # for TYPO3 >= 12 hideModules = nitsan_NsGalleryNsgallery }

2. Via PHP in ext_tables.php

In our example, we would like to hide the module of the calendarize extension because we don't need it, but otherwise find the extension quite good. A line in the ext_tables.php in our site package helps here:

$GLOBALS['TBE_MODULES']['web'] = str_replace(',CalendarizeCalendarize', '', $GLOBALS['TBE_MODULES']['web']);

Tip: In the TYPO3 backend module configuration you will find all registered modules and their names under TBE_MODULES

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