LUX in May: SMS, delay function, REST-API, TYPO3 12 and GDPR guide

LUX in May: SMS, delay function, REST-API, TYPO3 12 and GDPR guide

Recently, a lot has happened again around the development and support of LUX - the marketing automation solution for TYPO3. We have briefly summarized the most important things for you:

LUX can now also send SMS

Together with the service from, LUX can now also send SMS in addition to push and slack messages or simple e-mails. It doesn't matter whether the recipient was stored statically (e.g. notification of marketing for an important action) or whether you want to notify the lead yourself (e.g. as a follow-up action for a white paper download). From our point of view, this possibility of asynchronous notification is particularly interesting in the B2C area.

Note: This feature requires an account with Twilio. There you can register a desired number and use it.

Delay function for email and SMS actions

Actually, everyone knows this function: You are interested in a product or service and after a few days you get an e-mail or SMS asking whether you were satisfied with the information or whether there are still unanswered questions. The addition of this feature was long overdue. Leads that have achieved a certain score or who have downloaded special white papers should be automatically notified after a certain period of time. Such a follow-up massively increases conversion - without any active intervention.

The basic implementation of this delay function is therefore also available for all individual workflows. This is of particular interest when LUX's workflows are expanded with their own.

API: Introduction of a REST interface

The request for a flexible interface came from some of our technically oriented partners. As known from other REST interfaces, you can now read data from LUX via your own API. These can then be exported to other systems. This is particularly important for systems such as CRM, e-mail marketing systems or individual solutions. More specific queries with multiple queries, a limit and an individual relation depth are now also possible.

Current example from our partner: Export all leads that have opted for a newsletter so that they can be automatically transferred to an email marketing system.

Preparation for TYPO3 version 12

A lot has also happened under the hood of the tool this month: Signal slots were exchanged by PSR-14 event dispatchers. This is a technique that allows you to access a TYPO3 PHP process or an extension from outside at runtime. And since we wanted to make the marketing automation tool as flexible as possible, there are a lot of these "hanging points". However, the old technology will soon no longer be supported by TYPO3 and therefore had to give way to a new technology. We hope that we have already taken the first step towards TYPO3 12 so that we can switch as soon as possible when the next LTS release of the popular CMS comes next spring.

Coming soon: Privacy handout for GDPR

Compared to other marketing automation tools, LUX has the great advantage that the data collected is only stored locally. This saves you from GDPR related privacy contracts and does not have to resort to service providers outside the EU. In order to simplify the implementation as much as possible for you, we are currently working on a data protection manual with important information and tips. As soon as this is available, we will prominently offer it for download.

Florian Froidevaux

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